
segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

Student's Corner #3 - Rock In Rio 2011

262127 1294433878 154597626 2 ROCK IN RIO 2011 Londrina Bandas confirmadas no Rock in Rio 2011

Olá para todos =)

Esse fim de semana o tão esperado Rock In Rio 2011 começou e como muitas outras pessoas, alguns dos meus queridos alunos foram ou vão na proxima semana ao festival.

Aqui vai o que eles tiveram a dizer antes dele começar:

"The long awaited Rock In Rio will start on Friday, September 23rd. All tickets are sold out. With well planned organization, ranging from the place that will hold the festival to a proper transportation system, Rock In Rio will be an event to remember.

International singers and bands, such as Guns N' Roses, Lenny Kravitz, Elton John, Metallica, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Red Hot Chilly Peppers and Coldplay will perform during the seven-days festival. Some Brazilian attractions are also confirmed, like: Jota Quest, Ivete Sangalo, Cláudia Leita, NX Zero and others.

Rocki In Rio will end on October 2 and promises to be a success!"

by Gabriela Brito (A2)

"I'm very anxious about Rock In Rio because I will get to see my favorite bands, especially System of a Down and Guns N' Roses! I LOVE their songs!

I think the time I had to wait for the festival will be worth it just as surely that it will be an amazing experience!"

by Gabriel de Souza (A1)

"Hi, I'm here to talk about how I think Rock In Rio will be.  I think it will be fantastic! I'm going on Friday (September 23rd) and on that day Rihanna and Katy Perry will sing. I love them! I'm very excited! 

Afterwards I'll tell you how it went 
xoxo =)"

by Bruna Bidinote (A2)

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